Creating a Ruby application to document an individual's net worth based on their heir's Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) involves a few key components: user input, data storage, and basic calculations. Below is a simplified application that demonstrates this functionality.
Creating a Ruby application to document an individual's net worth based on their heir's Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) involves a few key components: user input, data storage, and basic calculations. Below is a simplified application that demonstrates this functionality.
For this application, we'll create a simple command-line interface and use a hash to store the individual's information, including their net worth associated with their heir's PPSN. However, remember that handling sensitive information such as PPSNs should comply with relevant data protection and privacy regulations.
Here's a basic example that you can expand on:
# net_worth_tracker.rb
class NetWorthTracker
def initialize
@records = {} # Hash to store net worth by heir PPSN
def add_record
puts "Enter heir PPSN:"
ppsn = gets.chomp
puts "Enter net worth:"
net_worth = gets.chomp.to_f
@records[ppsn] = net_worth
puts "Record added for PPSN #{ppsn} with a net worth of #{net_worth}."
def display_records
if @records.empty?
puts "No records found."
puts "Net Worth Records:"
@records.each do |ppsn, net_worth|
puts "PPSN: #{ppsn}, Net Worth: #{net_worth}"
def total_net_worth
total = @records.values.sum
puts "Total Net Worth of all heirs: #{total}"
def run
loop do
puts "\nOptions:"
puts "1. Add Net Worth Record"
puts "2. Display All Records"
puts "3. Calculate Total Net Worth"
puts "4. Exit"
print "Choose an option (1-4): "
choice = gets.chomp.to_i
case choice
when 1
when 2
when 3
when 4
puts "Exiting the application."
puts "Invalid choice. Please try again."
# Running the Net Worth Tracker Application
tracker =
### How to Run This Application
1. **Set up Ruby Environment**: Ensure you have Ruby installed on your machine ([Download Ruby](
2. **Create the File**: Open your terminal or command prompt, create a new directory, and navigate into it. Use your favorite text editor to create a new file named `net_worth_tracker.rb`.
3. **Paste the Code**: Copy and paste the code provided above into the `net_worth_tracker.rb` file.
4. **Run the Application**: In your terminal, execute the following command to run the application:
ruby net_worth_tracker.rb
5. **Follow the Prompts**: The application will prompt you for input through the command line, allowing you to add net worth records associated with PPSNs, display all records, and calculate the total net worth.
### Important Note
This application is a simple demonstration of how to manage net worth data based on PPSN. In a real-world scenario, you would want to implement proper data validation, exception handling, and persistent storage (like a database) for the records instead of using an in-memory hash, especially for sensitive information. You might also want to consider encrypting any sensitive data and ensuring compliance with data protection laws.
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