What a fascinating topic! Let's create a concept for a music video about medication. Here's a potential idea: Title: "Pill Pill" Concept: The music video follows the story of a person struggling with anxiety and depression. We see them going about their daily routine, feeling lost and disconnected from the world. As they're trying to find solace, they start taking pills - medication that's supposed to help them cope with their mental health. The twist is that the pills start to take on a life of their own, symbolizing the complex emotions and feelings that come with relying on medication. The pills begin to manifest as vivid, surreal sequences that blend reality and fantasy. Storyline: Act 1: We see the protagonist going about their day, feeling anxious and overwhelmed. They pop a pill, and suddenly we see a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes around them, representing the rush of emotions they're trying to numb. Act 2: As they continue taking the pills, we ...